Global Small and Mid-Cap Fund (New)
Global Small and Mid-Cap Fund (“GSMF” or "the Fund") aim to provide investors with a total investment return (after fees) that outperforms the benchmark over periods of seven years or longer.
The Fund intends to invest substantially all of the Fund’s assets through a multi-manager global small and mid-cap equity strategy.
The Fund aims to be invested with multiple active Underlying Investment Managers whose investment strategies emphasize performance above the benchmark while aiming to control risk.
Units will be issued at a price equal to the net asset value (“NAV”) of the Fund adjusted for estimated transaction costs (also described as Buy Spread), divided by the number of Units on issue at the relevant time. At the date of this PDS, the Buy Spread is 0.18% (or 18 basis points).
The minimum initial investment is $5,000 and thereafter in $1,000 increments.
The minimum suggested time frame for investment in the Fund is 7 years.
What are the benefits of investing in the Fund?
Multi-manager investing: The Fund is an actively managed multi-manager portfolio with the Underlying Investment Managers investing predominantly in global small and mid-cap shares. The Fund may at times have exposure to global micro-cap shares. Diversification through use of various managers with different strategies may smooth out market volatility and may help mitigate the severity of loss.
Active Management: Centric Capital aim to select high quality global small and mid-cap specialist fund managers with a range of complementary investment strategies and styles. In doing so we aim to produce consistent investment performance throughout market cycles.
Access to specialist fund managers: The Fund may provide access to Underlying Investment Managers that have specialist knowledge and investment expertise in areas of the global small and mid-cap universe. The Underlying Investment Strategies may not all be available to individual investors.
Potential for capital growth: The Fund provides investors with the potential for capital growth appreciation and higher long-term returns compared to the Benchmark.
Global investing benefits: The Fund aims to provide investors with a portfolio strategy that invests in global small and mid-cap shares across multiple countries and industry sectors. This would be difficult to achieve by individual investors who may not have access to all the developed and emerging markets investments that the Fund can access through its Underlying Investment Managers.
Low minimum investment: Investors will be able to gain an indirect exposure to the underlying investments of the Fund for a minimum initial investment of $5,000 in the Fund. The minimum additional investment into Units in the Fund is $1,000.
Target Market Summary
This product is intended for use within a portfolio as a minor component (up to 25%) or a core holding (up to 50%). for a consumer who is seeking capital growth and has a very high risk and return profile for that portion of their investment portfolio. It is likely to be consistent with the financial situation and needs of a consumer with at least 7 years investment timeframe and who is unlikely to need to withdraw their money on less than seven business days’ notice.
Important Information
This information is of a general nature only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation and needs. Before acting on this information you should consider its appropriateness having read to your circumstances. You should obtain and consider the latest product disclosure statement before making a decision to invest in the fund. To obtain financial advice tailored to your personal circumstances you should speak to a licensed financial adviser.
Quick Information
Latest Information Sheets
Key Information Sheet - December 2024
Investor Notices
PDS Ongoing Disclosure - Updated February 2024
Product Documents and Forms
Global Small and Mid-Cap Fund PDS
Global Small and Mid-Cap Fund Reference Guide
Global Small and Mid-Cap Fund Additional Information for Investors – Underlying Investment Managers
Global Small and Mid-Cap Fund Target Market Determination (TMD)