Multi Asset Class Fund
Multi Asset Class Fund ("the Fund") provides diversified exposure in both domestic and global markets across all main asset classes, including equities, fixed interest, property, infrastructure, alternatives and cash. The fund offers 3 different Investment Options or ‘Classes’ to the investors. The Investment Objective of each Option or Class is:
Class A (Moderate) – To provide investors with a professionally constructed diversified portfolio of active and passive investments across all main asset classes to cater for investors with a medium to high risk profile. While the risk level based on APRA’s Standard Risk Measure is medium to high for the Moderate option, we expect the size of the negative returns to be lower compared to Class B (Balanced)).
Class B (Balanced) – To provide investors with a professionally constructed diversified portfolio of active and passive investments across all main asset classes to cater for investors with a medium to high risk profile. While the risk level based on APRA’s Standard Risk Measure is medium to high for the Moderate option, we expect the size of the negative returns to be higher compared to Class A (Moderate)).
Class C (Growth) – To provide investors with a professionally constructed diversified portfolio of active and passive investments across all main asset classes to cater for investors with a high risk profile.
BlackRock Investment Management(Australia) Limited, part of the BlackRock group, has been appointed as the advisor ("BlackRock").
BlackRock’s purpose is to help more and more people experience financial well-being. As a fiduciary to investors and a leading provider of financial technology, BlackRock helps millions of people build savings that serve them through out their lives by making investing easier and more affordable. For additional information on BlackRock, please visit
Units will be issued at a price equal to the net asset value (“NAV”) of the Class adjusted for any transaction costs (also described as Buy Spread), divided by the number of Units in that Class on issue at the relevant time. As per the product disclosure statement (PDS), the BuySpreadis0.10%(or 10 basis points) for Class A (Moderate) and Class B (Balanced), or 0.11% (or 11 basis points) for Class C (Growth). The Sell Spread is 0.13% (or 13 basis points) for all Unit Classes.
The price of Units in a Class will vary as the value of the assets in the Fund attributable to the relevant Class rise or fall.
The price at which units are issued (“Application Price”) is determined in accordance with the Constitution. The Application Price on a Business Day is equal to the NAV of the Class plus any transaction costs (“Buy Spread”), divided by the number of Units in the Class in issue. As per the PDS, the Buy is 0.10%(or10 basis points) for Class A (Moderate) and Class B (Balanced), or 0.11% (or 11 basis points) for Class C (Growth). The Sell Spread is 0.13% (or 13 basis points) for all Unit Classes. The Application Price for a Class will vary as the market value of assets in the Fund attributable to the relevant Class rise or fall.
The minimum initial investment amount for units in the Fund is $1,000 per Class and thereafter, increments of $1,000. The Responsible Entity may alter or waive this amount at any time in accordance with the Constitution.
The minimum suggested time frame for investment in the Fund is 7 - 10 years.
What are the benefits of investing in the Fund?
Benefits of investing in the Multi Asset Class Fund
Diversification: The Fund provides diversified exposure in both domestic and global markets across all main asset classes, including equities, fixed interest, property, infrastructure, alternatives and cash. The Fund provides access to investment opportunities and diversification through pooling of assets that may not be available to individual investors.
Choices of different unit classes: The Fund provides different unit class options with different composites of assets tailored to meet various investor risk appetites from moderate to high risk.
Access to specialist fund managers: A retail investor will be able to gain an indirect exposure to a portfolio of BlackRock group managed funds. The composition of the portfolio of each Class is closely monitored by BlackRock group, one of the world’s largest asset managers.
Low minimum investment: A retail Investor will be able to gain an indirect exposure to the underlying investments of the Fund for a minimum investment of $1,000 in the Fund. The minimum additional investment into Units in the Fund is $1,000.
Target Market Summaries by Class
Class A - Moderate
The Class A (Moderate) units are likely to be appropriate for a consumer seeking capital growth for their portfolio with a medium to high risk (expect 3.38 years of negative annual returns over a typical 20-year period) and return profile to be used as a standalone (75-100%) or core component (25-75%) or satellite allocation (<25%) within a portfolio where the consumer has a medium term (3 years) investment timeframe, and needs daily access to capital.
Class B - Balanced
The Class B (Balanced) units are likely to be appropriate for a consumer seeking capital growth for their portfolio with a medium to high risk (expect 3.98 years of negative annual returns over a typical 20-year period) and return profile to be used as a standalone (75-100%) or core component (25-75%) or satellite allocation (<25%) within a portfolio where the consumer has a medium term (5 years) investment timeframe, and needs daily access to capital.
Class c - Growth
The Class C (Growth) units are likely to be appropriate for a consumer seeking capital growth for their portfolio with a high risk (expect 4.58 years of negative annual returns over a typical 20-year period) and return profile to be used as a standalone (75-100%) or a core component (25-75%) or satellite allocation (<25%) within a portfolio where the consumer has a medium term (5 years) investment timeframe, and needs daily access to capital.
Important Information
This information is of a general nature only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation and needs. Before acting on this information you should consider its appropriateness having read to your circumstances. You should obtain and consider the latest product disclosure statement before making a decision to invest in the fund.To obtain financial advice tailored to your personal circumstances you should speak to a licensed financial adviser.
Quick Information
Unit Price History - from 1 July 2024
Unit Price History - Since inception to 30 June 2024
Latest Information Sheets
Key Information Sheet December 2024 - MACF Moderate
Key Information Sheet December 2024 - MACF Balanced
Key Information Sheet December 2024 - MACF Growth
Investor Notices
Product Documents and Forms
Multi Asset Class Fund Reference Guide
Multi Asset Class Fund Additional Information for Investors - Asset Allocation
Multi Asset Class Fund Additional Information for Investors - Underlying Investment