Vinva Global Systematic Equities Fund - Class B
Vinva Global Systematic Equities Fund - Class B (“VGSEFB” or “the Fund”) aims to provide investors with a total investment return (after fees) that outperforms the MSCI World ex Australia ex Tobacco ex Controversial Weapons Index (AUD) with net dividends reinvested, over periods of seven years or longer.
The Fund intends to invest substantially all of its assets in a pooled investment fund ("Underlying Strategy") managed by Vinva Investment Management Limited ("Underlying Investment Manager").
Vinva Investment Management Limited (“Vinva”) is an independent investment management firm established in 2010. Vinva specialises in managing share investment strategies across Australia and around the globe and have a proven long-term track record.
As at 30 June 2023, Vinva managed AUD $23 billion in active share investment strategies covering 47 countries on behalf of over 50 institutional clients. Vinva’s investment team shares a common investment philosophy and approach developed through working together for over two decades.
Vinva is a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).
Vinva’s Investment Approach
Vinva believes that financial markets are dynamic and there are multiple dimensions where value can be sought and risks averted that can lead them to gain higher returns than the market. Their investment innovation and continuous process improvement provides the edge to their long-term, consistent outperformance of the market. Integral to the company’s investment innovation and continuous improvement, is Vinva’s investment team which provides insight, market knowledge and research.
At Vinva, the approach to investing involves having a deep understanding of how the financial markets process new information. Based on this deep understanding, Vinva will determine a fair value for a company’s share price and look to invest according to the estimate of that value. Vinva constructs a portfolio to capture mispriced opportunities. Key characteristics of the Vinva investment approach include:
Skilled and experienced investment professionals with a deep understanding of share markets
Systematic and disciplined portfolio construction process
Strong emphasis on risk management, consistent and incremental after-tax value added
Detailed transaction cost forecasting and modelling embedded in the portfolio construction process to minimise costs
State-of-the-art systems and technology ensure efficient and timely use of information
Understanding a company’s corporate governance when selecting the best stocks in which to invest
Dedication to on-going investment research and continual process improvement
What are the benefits of investing in the Fund?
Diversification: Through the Fund’s investment in the Underlying Strategy, the Fund provides exposure to a diversified portfolio of global equities across multiple market sectors and geographic regions. The Fund can be combined with other funds or investments to provide diversification to investors’ existing Australian Equities holdings. Diversification may smooth out market volatility and may help protect investments from loss.
Access to a specialist fund manager: The Fund provides access to an investment strategy which would otherwise not be available to individual investors. It may also provide retail client access to professional investment managers, who has knowledge and investment expertise and has proven track records in systematic equities.
Active management: provides exposure to an actively managed strategy using a systematic approach for stock selection and modelling across broad investment factors with the aim of controlling risk relative to the Benchmark.
Capital growth: Potential for higher long-term capital return than the Benchmark across various market conditions.
The minimum initial investment amount for Units in the Fund is $20,000,000 or as we determine otherwise. The Responsible Entity may alter or waive this amount at any time in accordance with the Constitution. The minimum increment is $100 if you have established a Regular Investment Plan.
The minimum suggested time frame for investment in the Fund is 7 years.
Target Market Summary
This product is likely to be appropriate for a consumer seeking capital growth from a diversified global shares portfolio with a high risk (expect 4 to 6 years of negative annual returns over a typical 20-year period) and return profile to be used as a core holding (25-75%) or a satellite component (<25%) within a portfolio where the consumer has a medium to long term (at least 7 years) investment timeframe, and needs daily access to capital.
Important Information
This information is of a general nature only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation and needs. Before acting on this information you should consider its appropriateness having regard to your circumstances. You should obtain and consider the latest product disclosure statement before making a decision to invest in the fund.
Quick Information
Latest Information Sheets
Key Information Sheet - December 2024
Investor Notices
Ongoing disclosure - VGSEF Class B
Product Documents and Forms
Vinva Global Systematic Equity Fund - Class B PDS
Vinva Global Systematic Equity Fund - Class B Reference Guide
Vinva Global Systematic Equity Fund - Class B Target Market Determination (TMD) - updated 28 June 2024
Application & Redemption Forms - updated 28 June 2024